A very rough summary of travel statistics from 2006, excluding vacations (ahem, those were not there much anyway):
Number of business trips: ~30
Flight legs: ~70
Days away from home: ~70
London: ~25 days
Luxembourg: ~7 days
San Jose/Santa Cruz: 6 days
Shanghai: 5 days
Number of countries visited (excluding airports): ~13
Most active month: May – 10 countries in 33 days
SAS Eurobonus miles collected since August: 53000+
This is an obvious occasion to say thanks to Ede and Kusti for being so understanding about this madness. If anything, 2007 will hopefully be bit lighter on short intra-European cityhopping. Thank you in advance as well!
UPDATE: Apparently, having a geeky overview of your travel statistics over time is one of those geeky things we do at Skype…