1 min read

Eesti 90 Logotype

Since the first day of this year my daily route from home has been hemmed in by outdoor banners for [Eesti 90](http://www.eesti90.ee/?lang=en) – the year-long calendar of celebrations of the 90th jubilee of the Republic of Estonia.

I like the logo design better by day. The “birth” theme of a stylistic plant is subtle enough to take anywhere between 5 seconds to 2 weeks for a person to realize the embedded 9 & 0 digits. And the aesthetic choice of typography next to it is as cold and Nordic as we are.

Full [brandbook and goodies are available here](http://www.eesti90.ee/?id=10548).

Thank you, [Kaarel Vahtramäe](http://www.velvet.ee/people_eng.php?pid=3&pg=6) @ [Velvet](http://www.velvet.ee/news_eng.php) for winning that logo contest last summer.

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